Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Pointing Out Instructions To a Little Old Lady

These are called "The Pointing Out Instructions", as told by me.  These are not original ideas of mine but re-statement of the teaching of the Buddha and others more ancient than Guatama The Buddha.  These are ideas as old as philosophy and religion have existed.  For instance the Himilayan Hinduism of Shiva and Himilayan Buddhism have held these very teachings for about 9000 known years.

This is just the paradox of this life, from our side, the personal point of view, it is absolutely real. The suffering is real. The happiness is real. But if you want to dissect the experience of this life then all that can be said is that it is a play of consciousness. It is an arbitrary reality.

I want to go through the steps in discerning that this is so, that this is a play of consciousness and that any representational reality has an equal chance of existence. Firstly we look at ourselves and the world around us and each experiences a separate "MYSELF" that exists in this world. But what do we experience really? We experience a self surrounded by energies, like the energy that is the color of, lets say in this experience, the floor when you look at it. Whatever color you perceive. It should be pointed out that there is no ABSOLUTE color of the floor beneath my feet. In the light of the dawn and in the light of the lamps that light it at night, the color is approximately the same but definitely different if they were to be matched on paint chips. More over there are even changes due to shadowing, reflection, and even refraction. There is no fixed color but we still perceive "the floor". Not only that but the sensory channel that we perceive it with does not perceive the floor really, for instance the eye breaks down the form and color of the floor into its individual pixels of rod and cone nervous impulses and feeds them into the CNS, the CNS then SIMULATES "the floor" and we perceive these simulations. Now this is where I part with modern science. They say that IS "the floor" and it is, but it is experienced internally, by a consciousness, (Don't get me started on that.) by some simulation of self that is aware of what "the floor" means to oneself, ie do I walk on it into the next room, or do I be the "I" that sits in the chair typing while resting my feet on "the floor". Nevertheless it is experienced by an internal awareness. That awareness may not actually need to experience a "real floor", what the awareness needs to experience is a SIMULATION of "the floor" that is to that awareness, real. Therefore one can project a floor and share a commonality of experiencing a floor with beings who experience such similar projections, like my cat, who contrary to all belief, walks on the same "floor" as I do. As Chögyam Trungpa so aptly put it "Recognize this as your own projection." Does that make sense?

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