Friday, August 24, 2012

Karma: Carry it with you at all times (because you really cannot do other :)

I would like to talk about Karma from my personal perspective.  This is not the common take on Karma as so many know it, "As you sow, so shall you reap" AND Karma is "OUT THERE" like the Boogey man and gonna get you.

 As you respond to life, life responds to you.  You can use your Karma to uplift you or bring you to a lower level.  The "Rice Seedling Sutra" says Karma goes through 12 stages of production to ripening.  Karma truly is "As you sow, so shall you reap." but it is not going to come up in exactly the way it was when first created.  Karma comes up in the patterns of life.  But as they say "Names have been changed  to protect the innocent."  You will not recognize John or Jane from a past life because they are clothed in different bodies, their ages relative to yours or any other of whatever attributes can differ.  What is important is how you feel and react to the circumstances at hand.

Karma is a reflection of your internal feelings, your self ideation.  Your self ideation has everything to do with how you perceive the external world. Your self ideation reflects what you have been dealt in the world.  Your self ideation reflects your rebirth and what you were then and what you are now.  People change as they put on the years.  Body images change, attitudes change etc.  Your station and circumstances in life are your reactions to Karma.

Your rebirth was due to your resonance with your parents love, and your feelings toward them, especially your mother.  Freud knew that, and he was not completely wrong in his psychological modelings.  Like any of us there is mort to it than we can see or describe.   We each have to gradually develop a bigger picture by surrendering the little picture that we hold currently, and there is always a bigger picture.

We all sort of resonate feelings and those feelings are  gained from our exterior world but they are in response to what we carry with us already.  If you want to change your Karma change how you feel about the world around you.  Surrender your old feelings and let new feelings emerge.  To uplift one's self with Karma surrender the negativities you feel and try, if not to like what is going on, be neutral and work toward liking your life.  Negative Karma is sort of self hate.  We may say we hate this or that or that one is a nogoodnik because they did this that to us once upon a time.  It could well be that that nogoodnik did you a back handed favor by doing this or that.  They pointed out a flaw in your own personality and you did not recognize the favor.  Maybe they even saved you from a worse situation.   And really the person who feels the worst about us hating someone or something else is us.  We ourselves feel it first and more acutely than what someone else picks up about what we feel about them.  And the more we try to communicate our feelings of someone else to that someone, the deeper in we are.  Is that a bad thing or a good thing?  It just depends on us.